Bodine House System

Upon joining Bodine, every student, faculty, and staff member is sorted into one of four Bodine Houses. The four houses represent the virtues of the dyslexic mind, inspired by the accomplishments of history’s most notable dyslexic figures.

The purpose of Bodine’s House System is to:

  • enhance the sense of pride at Bodine
  • reinforce the school culture and values
  • encourage a healthy, competitive environment
  • promote multi-grade level interaction
  • reward students for their hard work and effort
  • empower students to embrace the advantages of their ability to think differently

House of Creativity

Celebrating Leonardo DaVinci‘s creativity and lasting impact in the field of art and science. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest artists and thinkers of all time. Not only did he create some of the most famous paintings, he also made amazing advances in science and technology. He wrote all of his notes and journals backwards, so many people doubted his brilliance.

House of Curiosity

Celebrating Albert Einstein‘s curiosity leading to discoveries about the world around us. Albert Einstein was the greatest scientist of all time. After failing his first university entrance exam, he went on to change the world of physics forever with his theories of relativity and the mass-energy equivalence or E=MC2 . Einstein changed the way we think about space, time and matter.

House of Innovation

Celebrating Steve Job‘s innovation in the groundbreaking development of modern technology. Steve Jobs was a visionary. Though he had a very difficult time in school and dropped out of college, he started one of the most successful companies of all time – Apple. He revolutionized the way people communicate and today his products are used all over the world.

House of Determintion

Celebrating Thomas Edison‘s determination and relentless effort to invent the lightbulb. Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors who developed many devices that changed our world. He overcame a lot as a child, even his teacher sending him home with a note stating that he was “too stupid to learn.” Not only did he create the light bulb, he also invented the phonograph and the motion picture camera.

The House Cup

The Houses are embraced by students, faculty and staff as everyone works together to demonstrate teamwork, tenacity and good sportsmanship during the various activities throughout the year. House members earn points all year in a variety of ways, including House competitions, daily homework completion, campus citizenship, and more. On the last day of school in May, the House with the most cumulative points is awarded the prestigious House Cup. Congratulations to the House of DaVinci, winner of the House Cup for the 2023-2024 school year!