Why Bodine
Bodine’s mission is to lead the Mid-South in teaching students with dyslexia to read and succeed.
Before Bodine
Bodine applicants struggle with reading and writing skills and require individualized, multisensory instruction in order to access their education.
Deciding where your child will attend school is often a difficult decision. If your child is diagnosed with dyslexia, the decision can become even harder. Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that is neurological in origin. Primarily, it is characterized by deficits in word recognition and decoding skills, spelling abilities, and phonological awareness. Secondary characteristics may include poor reading comprehension, poor written expression, and difficulty organizing information for study and recall. The International Dyslexia Association estimates that up to 15-20% of the population may demonstrate some of the characteristics of dyslexia. Dyslexia occurs in individuals from all backgrounds and runs in families. With proper intervention, students with dyslexia can acquire the reading and writing skills that are necessary for academic success.
Being Bodine
Bodine students thrive in an excellent, well-rounded elementary school environment with an emphasis on research-based language arts instruction.

Bodine School’s program is specifically designed to provide an excellent elementary school experience for students in grades 1-6 who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. The cornerstone of Bodine’s language arts instruction is the daily Orton-Gillingham (O-G) lesson. The O-G approach grew out of the pioneering work of Dr. Samuel T. Orton and Anna Gillingham during the first half of the 20th century and emphasizes instruction that is multisensory, direct, and structured. O-G remediation is delivered in class sizes of 10 students or fewer, and all classroom teachers participate in intensive, ongoing training in O-G methods.
In addition to a strong core academic program, Bodine provides a variety of classes and activities designed to nurture the whole child. At all grade levels, co-curricular classes are incorporated into the weekly schedule; these courses include Art, Innovation Lab, Library, Music, and Physical Education. In addition, students periodically participate in field trips and enjoy learning from on-campus speakers and presenters. Special activities and events such as house competitions, holiday celebrations, music programs, and Field Day are also scheduled throughout the year. Typical after school offerings include soccer and basketball teams, chess club, and individual music lessons.

Bodine School’s instructional program is accredited by the Orton-Gillingham Academy (OGA). OGA Accreditation is a process leading to the recognition of education organizations as having a level of performance, integrity, and quality that entitles them to the confidence of the educational community they serve. The Academy provides an objective and professional assessment of O-G instructional programs through the Accrediting Committee. The process includes completing an extensive self-study as directed by the Academy, an in-depth evaluation of curriculum, staff, and resources as well as two site visits. The Academy’s accreditation of the instructional program at Bodine demonstrates the school’s commitment to the O-G approach, the cornerstone of our language arts instruction for students with dyslexia.
Beyond Bodine
Bodine graduates emerge confident and resilient and are able to reach their fullest academic potential.

Because of this unique combination of traditional school experiences and highly specialized intervention, students transition from Bodine School ready to succeed in a variety of school settings. In recent years, Bodine students have transitioned to a variety of Mid-South area schools, including:
- Bornblum Jewish Community School
- Briarcrest Christian School
- Christ Methodist Day School
- Crosswind Elementary
- Evangelical Christian School
- Farmington Elementary School
- Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal School
- Holy Rosary Catholic School
- Houston Middle School
- Hutchison School
- Lausanne Collegiate School
- Northpoint Christian School
- Riverdale Elementary School
- Schilling Farms
- St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School
- St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School
- St. George’s Independent School
- St. Mary’s Episcopal School
- Westminster Academy
- Woodland Presbyterian School